Trisexual Encounters 6 (Classic)
Movie Info
Viper oozes sex appeal as "Cat", the main attraction at "Big Jim's" place. But even Jim (John Peters) is barely prepared to Trixie (Brandy Lee), the bubbly transsexual who pumps new life into the strip club in every possible way.
Belinda (Cassandra Del Rio) has a big surprise in store for Keisha, a young lady who's decided to become a mail order bride. Imagine her confusion on discovering that the groom's lingerie is daintier than her own! Adult shopkeeper Cory Monroe gets treated to the ultimate "Peep Show" as stunning transsexual Lolita peels off every layer of reserve, in her efforts to seduce the horny clerk.
Marc Skovras plays a physical trainer who learns more about heavenly bodies than even he thought possible when his work-out partner Kern reveals herself to be the irresistibly feminine transsexual Christe Michaels
File Size:685.15 MB
Brandy Lee, Cassandra Del Rio, Cory Monroe, John Peters, Keisha, Lolika, Marc Skovras, Shannon Wylde, Shannon Wylde, Shannon Wylde, Viper,
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