High School Crush Simulator
High School Crush Simulator is a slice of life visual novel game set at Lilium Academy, a recently founded high school after a libido increasing mutation was discovered in a small percentage of the population.
You, along with the twin you didn't know you had, are part of the first wave of students attending this prestigious new school. Spend your time studying, increasing your social stats, making friends, playing with your pets or by simply exploring your sexuality.
Genre: ADV, 3DCG, Stats, slice of life, high school, female protagonist, yuri, lesbian, romance, love, mystery, friendship, exploration, masturbation, sex toys, futa
Size: 3.61 GB
Censorship: To is Absent/eat a patch for removal
Developer/publisher: Bright Sun Studios9
Platform: PC/Windows/Linux/MacOS/Windows/Linux/MacOS/Android
Edition type: In development
Tablet: It is not required
Version: v0.2a+Cheats
Language of a game (plot): English
Interface language: English
File size: 3.6 GB
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