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Old 01-13-2020, 06:28 AM   #14
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TBS_Andreas Непонятно, что и думать...

Being an affiliate is one of the most exciting things I've done in my life, however, with the thrill comes the realization that our dynamic world is unstable.

As an affiliate you are doing money by selling others products and services- the benefit is clear- we will always focus on profitable offers without any contract or stocks cost to pay, you can start even with low budget (but with the right motivation) and grow up to even 7 figure monthly in ads spend. With this comes the biggest cone of being an affiliate- you are the owner of nothing- you don’t have any assets. The minute you stop advertising - your income stops.

We are living in a super fast-changing industry, nothing and no one safe, we are currently ongoing and exciting race after the next lead, with that we have to guarantee our tomorrow.

For a long time, I knew I have to come up with something more stable.

MagicAdz started as an internal solution to CherryPop’s need for a quality ads intelligence tool allowing us to streamline our work process and have a business advantage in the Affiliate marketing industry.

When we shared the tool with some of our closest friends in the industry we were taken aback by their positive response and realized we were onto something much bigger.”Most entrepreneurs don’t begin their journey by falling in love with the problem—they begin by falling in love with the solution.” It was this moment I had this spark, I understood- this is our way to take advantage of our experience and knowledge we achieved throw the years and put the seeds for a sure income

On this talk we’d go over the process I passed from being an affiliate into co-funding profitable Saas company

Main points to discuss:

Taking your tools as an affiliate to start earning fast- as an affiliate you come with a different point of view on the sales process- you know that every lead has to convert.
Use your Affiliate connection to build a strong brand and network around you - at the first beginning we let people talk about us, newsletters, provide free content, create a community - skype and telegram groups, and more to come.
The whole design of the tool is based on our knowledge as an affiliate-
Think outside the box, our skils as an affiliate can benefit in so many directions it doesn’t have to be just an affiliate tool it can be anything that you recognize as a need
Creativity!!! it’s important- Just like in the process of creating a campaign. Don’t just copy-paste other’s ideas. Create the idea that people will want to copy.
Do things with passion (nothing will move if you don’t have this inner fire to make you work.
Chose the right people to be your partners and the correct people to work with you, you have good instincts- use them to find the best team to run with you.
Start small- like in campaigns, and build it brick after brick.
It’s not just following your experience, its about building a new one. To become a Company owner you will have to face new challenges and to be open mind about them ( for example- as an affiliate you tend to advertise in one way, as a company, well it’s a new world of branding to learn)

Take calculated risks- just like affiliates- who dare- win.

Presented by: Omri Gal, Co-Founder, MagicAdz
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