A Clever Name - Version 0.04.5
You are an average guy living with your sister then one day you meet a dirty minded fairy.
There is no actual plot going on here.
I know it's not much of an original idea but I will see where I can go with it.?
Hello there
Added four more in game days
Nearly 800 images
Something like 50 animations
I hope you said yes to our newest addition in the last part
The pointless feature has gotten considerably lewder
with a few new additions
but you have to start this update to unlock them
Developer: RandyJMarsh
Platform: Windows
Language: English
Version: 0.04.5
Censored: No
Size: 1520 mb
Sweet Affection v.0.7.6 Public
You just finished college and are trying to figure out what to do with your life at this stage. Are you going to follow your dreams of making it big as a game developer, or are you going to try and find romance and love with one of the many ladies in town? Or are you finally ready to listen to your heart and find love with those who are already closest to you?
Join him on his romantic journey.?
M&S Home Content :
- Level 7 [M] : (10PM) : [3 Events] : (236 Images) + (1 Animation)
- Level 7 [M] : (11PM) : [3 Events] : (245 Images) + (3 Animations)
- Level 7 : (10PM) : [3 Events] : (223 Images) + (3 Animations)
- Level 7 : (11PM) : [3 Events] : (248 Images)
Diary Pages :
- Level 7 [M] : 6 Pages - (10PM) + (11PM)
- Level 7 : 6 Pages - (10PM) + (11PM)
Location :
- Bar / Coffee Shop added.
Hazel Content :
- Intro Event (Part 1) : (77 Images)
- Intro Event (Part 2) : (64 Images)
- Level 1 Content [Location - Bar / Coffee Shop] :
-- (9 AM) : (63 Images)
-- (12PM) : (78 Images)
-- ( 9PM) : (68 Images)
-- (10PM) : (72 Images)
-- (11PM) : (71 Images)
-- (12AM) : (84Images)
Bugs Fixed : (Users have asked us to post our bug fixes, so here they are)
- MC should no longer call (Gma) - (M)
- Tips Screen should no longer refer to (Gma) as (M)
- Can't close the phone at Level (7) (10PM) Event + Instant SMS showing.
- The cheat to correct / fix Suzies name/relation should now be fixed
- Diary Pages for M should no longer show S's diary pages for the new events.
- Hazels level 2 intro triggering before her level 1 intro.
Total update : 1540 Images - 11 Animations - 59.895 Words
Developer: Boomatica & JD
Platform: Windows
Language: English
Version: 0.7.6 Public
Censored: No
Size: 2500 mb