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Old 09-01-2021, 07:43 PM   #1907
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The Hard Way v0.05.9a

After being kidnapped as a child, our hero unwittingly returns to his home town to find work. As he climbs the ladder of success, he will gather a following of beautiful, devoted women.


Age renders for Galadriel, Hester, Summer and Usagi.
3 new characters -2 Goblin Ladies and a Doctor.
Default sex scenes for Lyra, Olive, Vallery and Zeyley.
Debbie and Dianne get their custom age sex scenes.
New non-default sex scenes for Gemma, Jean, Lyra, Shelly, Susan, Tareen, Xena (x2), Yvette, Zelda and Zeyley.
Shakria gets her milf age base renders.
New Locations include Goblin Village, a creche and the hospital gets locations needed for having kids, which is planned to begin in V06.

3DCG, Animated, Big tits, Big ass, Harem, Male Protagonist, Point & Click, Sci-Fi, Vaginal sex

Developer: Muffin Maker
Platform: Win/Linux
Language: English
Version: 0.05.9a
Censored: No
Size: 395 mb

Matrix Hearts Version 0.1.2

He was supposed to be somebody. He was going to be a contender! Then he took a rock climbing wall to the knee. A would-be Olympic climber sustains an injury to his leg that keeps him from competing and a shot at the big leagues, with the only possible fix being a prototype technology that is sci-fi at best. Between his new introverted mood, a town of colorful characters, and the fruits of temptation, getting this tech to work may require all he's got. There's a big cliff to climb for him to be a champion again!?

+Updated almost all scenes to higher quality (with exception to a few hair clippings and a scene for better lighting)
+ 3 Point and Click Spheres! These are single renders. No grinding, no clicking to get to new zones, only a single render (or sphere) for added fun. Get your click on and explore side-stories with other characters, gain knowledge about the town, and introduce yourself to Zippyzinc! (Once again, these do not affect main story).
+100 new renders
+ All routes should be fixed now
+Updated UI

Developer: Blue Otter Games
Platform: Windows
Language: English
Version: 0.1.2
Censored: No
Size: 1400 mb
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