Original Title:
Behind The Green Door 2: The Sequel / (Artie Mitchell, Sharon McKnight / Mitchell Brothers) (Erica Idol, Fallon, Jo Carol, Lulu Reed, Missy Manners, Rita Ricardo, V. Venus, Andrew Young, Danny Daniels, James Martin)
FileSize: 896 MB ||
Duration: 01:15:39
Extension: avi || Resolution: 576x432 (4:3) || Frame Rate: 25.000 fps || Format MPEG-4 Visual
Country: USA
Director: Artie Mitchell
Cast: Erica Idol, Fallon, Jo Carol, Lulu Reed, Missy Manners, Rita Ricardo, V. Venus, Andrew Young, Danny Daniels, James Martin
Date: 1986
Description: The Mitchell Brothers invite you on a voyage beyond the realm of the ordinary - into a new dream of eroticism.
"Once again a woman transforms her everyday existence into an irresistible private fantasy of the most bizarre, sensual and electrifying kind! Dwarfs, fat ladies, bearded ladies, muscle men - no character type is too strange or too bizarre.
"Combine them with a tantalizing story, sizzling action, beautiful women. and you've got a winner! The Sequel brings to full force the dynamic eroticism latent in a woman's fantasy and presented in a form unsurpassed by anything the screen has yet experienced!
"Mitchell Brothers Film Group has addressed today's concerns for the safety of their talent and the population at large by making this production the first "safe sex" film ever in the adult industry.
James_Martin_Andrew_Young_Classic_Feature_Straight _SD.avi