Original Title:
Una Notte Proibita / (Andrea Nobili / Pink'O) (Arianna Salieri, Hellen Tiger, Krystal de Boor, Paola Valle, Rossana, Valentina Valli)
FileSize: 627.3 MB ||
Duration: 01:32:19
Extension: avi || Resolution: 510x384 (4:3) || Frame Rate: 25.000 fps || Format MPEG-4 Visual
Director: Andrea Nobili
Cast: Arianna Salieri, Hellen Tiger, Krystal de Boor, Paola Valle, Rossana, Valentina Valli
Description: ENG
Sometimes married life will kill your love and will. This couple wants to find a new way to turn on once again the lost passion, and they go through the swing clubs to find a new opportunity.