Original Title:
Sprint / (Anna Lovato, Bluebird Films) (Andy San Dimas, Yurizan Beltran, Alyssa Reece, Anna Lovato, Paige Ashley, Jamey Janes, Chloe Cruize (as Chloe Conrad, Bill Bailey, Marcus London, Chris Johnson, Danny Wylde, Mr. Pete)
FileSize: 1.36 GB ||
Duration: 02:05:21
Extension: avi || Resolution: 640x352 (16:9) || Frame Rate: 23.976 fps || Format MPEG-4 Visual
Country: Europe
Director: Anna Lovato
Cast: Andy San Dimas, Yurizan Beltran, Alyssa Reece, Anna Lovato, Paige Ashley, Jamey Janes, Chloe Conrad
Date: 2010
Description: In the high-stakes world of professional athletics, nothing reigns supreme more than women's sprinting. And there is no star bigger than racer Anna Lovato! Scandal hits the Sprint team when Paige is accused of injuring Anna just before the big race. With all these athletic beauties, hot nurses, and personal trainers, the tension turns sexual as everyone lets off steam. Anna is fully pleased by those nursing her back to health. Paige, meanwhile, shows her interrogator a thing or two about her athleticism. Then there's the big race. and the big orgy!