Original Title:
Wet Fantasies / (Jennifer James, Adam & Eve Productions & Jennifer James Films) (Monica Mayhem, Joel Lawrence, Taylor St. Claire, Nick Manning, Brooke Hunter, Venus, Dee, Kyle Stone, Don Hollywood, Linda Roberts (NonSex), Jim DiGiorgio (NonSex))
FileSize: 1.1 GB ||
Duration: 01:36:13
Extension: mp4 || Resolution: 854x480 (16:9) || Frame Rate: 30.000 fps || Format AVC
Country: USA
Director: Jennifer James
Cast: Monica Mayhem, Joel Lawrence, Taylor St. Claire, Nick Manning, Brooke Hunter, Venus, Dee, Kyle Stone, Don Hollywood, Linda Roberts (NonSex), Jim DiGiorgio (NonSex)
Date: 2003
Description: Dr. Samantha Jones (Monica Mayhem) is a studious and serious researcher in the field of sexuality - until she begins exploring her own deep, dark fantasies! With a staff of horny hunks and a group of curvy female test subjects, she has finally found a position that will allow her to explore the taboo fantasies of everyday people, and experiment with a few of her own...======